martes, 13 de junio de 2017

A job

Hi classmate!
Today I'm going to write about a job that I would like to make. This job is driver, in this job I need driver's license and so much experience especially if you are going to be a driver that uses this ability to extract seafood or when you teach other driver or when you use this profession for Rescue I really would be a driver rescue because it is not so dangerous as a driver who uses this ability to extract seafood but is more adrenaline that tourisms driver.
Well, I like this job because it is very interesting and I love swing and since I would learn to swim underwater. And because I take a lifesaver I really like the adrenaline and the flash that you can make the movement. And when you are a rescue driver they throw you from a helicopter

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A job

Hi classmate! Today I'm going to write about a job that I would like to make. This job is driver, in this job I need driver's licen...