martes, 25 de abril de 2017

One a one

Someone that I really like it have a one a one conversation is Christell Rodriguez, she is a girl 19 year old but she is so famous for take part of TV show named “Rojo” and her song “Mueve el Ombligo”. She is an inspiration figure for my. Is a joke, I really talk with a person named Chistell but her name is Kristel Köbrich, she is a Chilean swimmer and she swim in long distance that it 800 or 1500 meter that is I would like to swim. Is a really interest person because she is a Chile agent in different sport events but she practice in Argentina because in Chile she don’t have the necessary implement to progress.
I knew about her when I begin swim whit other long distance swimmer named Victor Contreras he was me coach and he spoke too much about her because in this time were the Juegos Sudamericanos and she participate in this game.
I don’t know what I would like to ask her but if I would like to talk about swimming witj her maybe ask her what her favorite style of if it costs her to learn to give backstyle to backstroke because I really costs.

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A job

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